To safeguard public health and the environment, the federal government has announced a complete as well as stringent ban on plastic shopping bags in Islamabad, as per a letter issued on Sunday.
The Ministry of Climate Change wrote to federal ministries and relevant departments, urging that the implementation of the ban on polythene bags be expedited.
According to the letter, the ministry imposed a complete ban on polythene bags in 2019 and subsequently announced the Single-Use Plastic (prohibition) Regulation 2023.
“All relevant authorities/ministries are, therefore, requested to ensure strict compliance with these regulations in both letter and spirit,” the notification added.
Last month, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) planned to begin a crackdown on single-use plastics, according to The News.
Earlier, the EPA Punjab notified amendments to the laws governing single-use plastic bags, introducing fines ranging from Rs5,000 to Rs50,000 for violations, along with the sealing of businesses and confiscation of materials.
Under the amended laws, there will be a complete ban on the manufacturing, storage, purchase, sale, and use of plastic shopping bags under 75 microns.
A recent amendment to the Single-Use Plastic Production and Consumption Act 2023 establishes “District Plastic Management Committees” in each district of the province.
These committees will consist of officers from 12 different departments and will be headed by the deputy commissioner of the respective district.