ISLAMABAD: On Friday, the price of 24 karat per tola gold rose by Rs.1,100, reaching Rs.279,400 compared to Rs.278,300 on the previous trading day, according to the All Sindh Sarafa Jewellers Association.
In line with the increase in the per tola price, the price of 10 grams of 24 karat gold saw an uptick of Rs.943, rising to Rs.239,540 from Rs.238,597.
Similarly, the price of 10 gram 22 karat gold also went up, reaching Rs.219,579 from Rs.218,714.
Meanwhile, the prices of silver remained unchanged, with per tola silver priced at Rs.3,350 and 10 gram silver priced at Rs.2,872.08.
On the international market, the price of gold rose by $11, reaching $2,676 from $2,665.