ISLAMABAD: Supreme Court Justice Mansoor Ali Shah has issued a decision in a harassment case. “Workplace harassment is a global problem,” Justice Mansoor said, adding that millions of people are affected by workplace harassment. “Women are more vulnerable to workplace harassment,” he said in the Supreme Court’s decision.
Pakistan is at 145th place in the Global Gender Gap Index. The US Supreme Court also said in its decision that a hostage environment also falls within the definition of harassment. “Harassment is not about relationship or formal status, it is about power,” Justice Mansoor’s decision read, adding that the right to work is constitutionally linked to the guarantees of life, liberty, dignity and equality.
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A victim of harassment had approached the Punjab Ombudsman regarding a harassment issue, with complaint against her driver. The Ombudsman sentenced driver Muhammad Deen to compulsory retirement.
The driver then reached out to Punjab Governor, which was rejected. He then moved the Lahore High Court (LHC) but it was dismissed too. Now a petition was filed in the Supreme Court against LHC’s decision to dismiss the petition. However, the Supreme Court has upheld LHC’s decision and dismissed the petition against LHC’s decision.